​​Engineering for the Environment uses concepts such as robotics, soar energy, 3D printing, coding, and biomimicry to find solutions to issues such as plastic pollution, sustainable energy, food waste, deforestation, etc.
"Do you want to find creative solutions to fix global problems?" - Justin
Crunch Labs
Justin was Awarded Most Passionate Engineer in 6th Grade at SFC.
He wants to continue to expand his work with the school and connect with friends to make his new middle school a Green School.
Most Passionate Engineer
Justin was Awarded Most Passionate Engineer in 6th Grade at SFC.
He wants to continue to expand his work with the school and connect with friends that have a similar interest in a fun and powerful meaningful way.
We think it would be incredible to make SFC a Green School
Precious Plastic
Justin has been “Engineering” since kindergarten.
Through Galileo Camps.
Engineering for the Environment using concepts of
Robotics, Solar Panels, 3D printing, Coding, Biomimicry, etc.
Camp Galileo
Justin has been “Engineering” since kindergarten.
Through Galileo Camps.
Engineers mimic features and behaviors from nature to improve their designs
"There's literally hundreds of millions of years of research and development that's happening all around us. If a creature or a plant is not able to come up with a solution, then it becomes extinct. And so in essence, we're surrounded by solutions, which I see as ideas for solving problems." - Karp
Did you know that tree frog toes are helping to inspire designs for car tires?