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If you learn to be brave, stayed determined,
and use a growth mindset


My love for frogs keeps me inspired
to create positive changes for our planet!

My Mission is to Protect the Planet.
I want our planet to be healthy for my family, friends, the future generations, and of course- THE FROGS!

Scientists say that if we don’t change the way we treat our planet then our future will face some serious consequences.


Hi! I'm Justin Sather. 
I am 14 years old and live in San Diego, California.
My project all started way back when I was little and learned all about FROGS! 

I thought it was cool how a swimming tadpole could grow legs and transform into a four legged creature.  





I Learned Frogs were in Danger. 
In kindergarten, I learned frogs are dying from pollution, pesticides, rising temperatures, and people cutting down their homes. Frogs have been around for over 200 Million Years so something didn't seem right.  So when I discovered frogs are indicator species, I knew it was a clear sign that our planet needs help. 

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I Had and Idea to Help the Frogs.
My mom read me a book called, What Do You Do with an Idea?, and I had an idea to help the frogs by protecting the local wetlands near my house in Los Angeles.

People like Dr. Kerry Kriger of Save the Frogs Non-profit and Dr. Jane Goodall  inspired me to keep going and encouraged me to do more. 

I helped organize cleanups, build wetlands, and I learned more about frogs and why they were becoming endangered.



Now I've Protected 100 Acres of Rainforest.
My idea has grown bigger and bigger over the years. So far, I’ve raised enough money to protect 100 acres of rainforest in Ecuador.

I became a Go Fund me Kid Hero and
joined Reserva's Youth Council and together we created the world's first youth funded 1,058 acre reserve in Ecuador.

I even got to travel to Ecuador and meet some of the coolest and rarest frogs like the Chachi Tree frog.


I Also Started Protecting Rivers and Oceans.
I have been cleaning trash and plastic from our waterways worldwide. 
I've also helped clean 1,000 pounds of trash out of some of our world's dirtiest rivers with Boyan Slat's Interceptor Boat.

I also learned 91% of plastic doesn't actually get recycled and often ends up in our world's rivers and oceans.

If we don't change our actions there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish by 2050.


Additionally,  I Want to Work with Businesses and World Leaders  
I am working with businesses that are creating products that don't hurt our planet and working to change laws that will prevent businesses from polluting our planet for the future generations. 

That's why I started my own nonprofit and own online business called Recreate. World.  We are committed to honor students, teachers, businesses that use their imagination and innovation to "recreate" the products that we use every day to simply be "Better for the Environment.

I also trademarked the term "Engineer for The Environment" and my hope it to encourage others to think outside the box to create sustainable brands and products to Recreate a Greener World. 

My Hope it to Inspire Other Kids Too!

Justin has created a step by step guide to share how to turn your own ideas into a reality to change the world for the better. 

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